Scottish Green Belts Alliance

Press release issued 30th July 2005

The Scottish Executive will shortly be releasing a new Scottish Planning Policy (SPP) on Green Belts.

The Scottish Green Belts Alliance has prepared a report "The Future of Green Belts in Scotland". A copy is enclosed.

An earlier version of our report was submitted to the Scottish Executive while it was preparing the new SPP and we hope that its contents will be reflected in the SPP.

Central points of our report are :

A spokesperson for the Scottish Green Belts Alliance stated :

Green belts have had a long and successful history. They are popular. They have proved effective but they need strengthening through government action to prevent further erosion.

The need for them – and for more of them – is especially relevant today as power in planning shifts increasingly to commercial interests. Government must act as a civic conscience by strengthening green belts and the many vital purposes they serve for the environment, for the enhancement of the lives of most people and for future generations.

Green belts are the lungs of towns and cities. They provide access to the countryside, settings for settlements and protection for scenery and wildlife close to where people live.

Green belts offer a crucial tool in redressing the balance between necessary commercial growth and necessary quality of life.

The government's new green belt policy will be a test of whether it really cares about Scotland's heritage and the quality of life here.

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